
Racket Sports Academy is committed to offering safe and inclusive environments for players, relatives, parents and friends. Our coaching team are all DBS checked and hold an accredition with the LTA. Coach Accreditation is the LTA’s professional membership scheme for coaches. It shows parents, players and venues that you have met key safe-to-practice checks and training. 


Desi Reed is the Lowestoft Town Tennis Club Welfare Officer. For any safeguarding concerns or queries please contact her on the dedicated welfare officer phone 07721 192874 or email

Report a Concern - you can also log any concerns you may have using the LTA Report a Concern portal. All concerns raised will be treated confidentially and sensitively.

Other options include contacting the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team on 0208487 7000, or the NSPCC 0808 800 5000.  Remember, if you think anyone is in immediate risk or harm - dial 999.

Child Supervision - in line with National NSPCC/LTA advice - all children under the age of 13 attending the Club outside of coaching programmes and other organised club activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.