
Private Lessons

The Radyr Tennis Club coaching team offer private coaching options on an independent basis, each with their own timetable and specialisms

Private Coaching is for club members who are playing regularly in addition to group coaching/playing activities and looking to accelerate their progress. It may also be used as a tool to help new players wanting to boost confidence before joining in with the club programme. 

  • Our coaches can be approached directly should you wish to enquire directly on availability
  • Don't know where to start? Complete our short questionnaire so that you can be provided with any suitable option/s and a price list. 

Hitting sessions are available with approved Level 1-2 Coaching Assistants and provide rally-based top up practice to players who already train regularly and can serve/rally/score. They do not involve formal coaching/teaching (with no ball baskets or training aids on court) but offer a chance to practice rallying, patterns of play and points with a more experienced player who is assisting our Squad coaching programme. Our Assistants have all met club requirements around volunteering, safeguarding and training.

  • For safeguarding purposes, enquiries for buddy hitting with Level 1 Assistants should be made through Tennis Squad. Complete our short questionnaire so that you can be provided with any suitable option/s plus a price list.
  • Buddy Hitting activity is limited to the astro courts only during peak times (4-9pm weeknights) but can access the clay courts at off peak-times. 

Should you have a specific query, please Contact Us. 

Please also read the Terms & Conditions before engaging any private coaching activities.

Authorised Team Members for Private Lessons and Hitting


  • Ellie Lewis - Level 4 Senior Performance Coach
  • Emily Watson - Level 3 Club Coach
  • Hayley Story - Level 3 Club Coach
  • Matt Rutland - Level 3 Club Coach
  • Rhys Hill - Level 3 Club Coach