About Us

Redhill Lawn Tennis Club was formed in 1879 and was one of the first established tennis Clubs in the World. We have recently celebrated our 140th anniversary .Recently the club was awarded the very prestigeous 'Surrey Tennis Club of the Year' ,our head Coach Dave Earl also won Local & County 'Coach Of The Year' awards. Our Chairman Derek Avery was awarded the 2020 London ,South East & Surrey LTA volunteer of the year awards.
Redhill is a thriving tennis centre which prides itself on its friendliness and its ability to accommodate members of all ages and abilities, from begineer & social players to those of a high standard who regularly play in the National, Surrey,Weald and Dorking & Leatherhead League matches and competitions.
Our facilities include
5 Artificial Clay Courts
3 Hardcourts
7 LED Floodlit courts.
2 mini courts
Hitting Wall
Court booking system.
Fully equiped clubhouse and bar.
Redhill LTC provides tennis, social and high class facilities for our members and has many school and local community links .
Redhill Lawn Tennis Club is an approved Lawn Tennis Association registered venue.
The Club is run by our committee and volunteers as below:
- Chairman: Jim Brown
- Secretary: Pamela Noon
- Treasurer: Sarah Lord
- Head Coach: Dave Earl
- Junior Representative: Sarah Lord
- Social: Jane Monnery
- Team Captains: Lawrence Hills (Mens) & Mary Briggs (Ladies)
- Membership: Rob Sullivan
- Facilities: Jim Brown
- Welfare Officer: Jane Monnery
- Tournament Director: Ross Brown
Contact details:
- Dave Earl 07904 347917 or email -hello@boomtennis.co.uk
- Clubhouse 01737 766705 (answerphone only)
- Jim Brown 07899 912575
- Sarah Lord 07904624287
- Jane Monnery janemonnery214@yahoo.co.uk
- Rob Sullivan membership.redhilltennis@gmail.com
As a fully registered LTA venue there are a number of policies we have adopted and monitor. Here are the latest Safeguarding Policy & Procedures and Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Procedures. These are important measures and are fully supported & monitored by the club.
The latest club rules can also be found here.