

Updated Guidelines

Dear All,

Following the announcement from the First Minister of Wales on Friday, we can now play doubles again with people from different households. There also is no longer the requirement to just use your own balls, you can now return to the normal way of having 4 balls on the court. However, the advice still holds that you should return a ball from a neighbouring court either with your foot or racket. Frequent use of hand sanitiser throughout a match is advised.

For all updates please see the updated guidelines from Tennis Wales

The following is a summary of what we will do:

- Keep to the social distancing rule of 2m

- The clubhouse will remain closed.

- The outside tap will be open again to allow water refills; please use hand sanitiser after use. #- Hand sanitisers will be located on all courts; please use frequently.

- Normal use of your balls can be resumed but do not touch the balls of a neighbouring court with your hands; kick it back with your foot or racket.

- Court booking is still essential and mandatory; no turning up at the club to play. The emphasis from the government is now on track and trace so please enter your opponents name when booking (+ add participants).

- We still will not have social play on a Thursday or Saturday but this can hopefully be reviewed soon; to get things started we will run a lucky dip tournament, see below

- Group coaching can resume but under certain criteria. We will update you again when we have finalised the way forward on that.

No-one should leave home to participate in tennis if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19, currently recognised as any of:

- A high temperature

- A new, continuous cough

- A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste.

Lucky Dip Tournament on Saturday 18.07., 2 until 4/5 pm

Ken East has kindly offered to run the lucky dip tournament. It will take place in the following format:

- Contact Ken via whatsapp (07891 514644) by Friday 6pm. Sorry, no last minute turning up to play.

- Tournament will be limited to 24 players but it is for all abilities.

- Players will be paired together by Ken to balance abilities.

- Each round will be timed for start and finish.

- List with order of play and court will be posted. Sorry, no chitchatting and waiting

Apologies but depending on the number of participants at the tournament, there won’t be any courts free for general play during that time.

Best regards,

Andrea Ludtke, Chair