Mini Tennis

Mini Tennis is for young players aged from 3 to 10 years old. There are 5 stages - Mini Tennis Tots, Mini Tennis Blue and Red, Mini Tennis Orange and Mini Tennis Green. All our sessions run all year round INDOORS
We offer 2 FREE taster sessions before registering for the course.

Mini Tennis Tots
Muliti skills and activities for Tennis Tots

Mini Tennis Tots is a session from children aged 3-5 years old. Parents are involved in these sessions.

Tots enables them to learn the basics and how to enjoy the game through a series of fun activities, based on the fundamental areas of balance, co-ordination, agility, movement and racket and ball skills.

Our Mini Tennis Tots session times:

Saturdays 9.15-10am £32 for 8 weeks
Sundays 9.15-10am £32 for 8 weeks


Mini Tennis Blue and Red

Mini Tennis Blue is a session for children aged 5-6 years old, Red 7 -8 years.

The classes ares played on small courts with short rackets and soft balls. It’s just like the real game and gives players the opportunity to learn basic skills, coordination and technique whilst having lots of fun.

Our Mini Tennis Blue and Red session times are:

Saturdays  10-11am Blue
Sundays  9-10am and 10-11am Blue
Tuesdays 5.30-6.30pm Red
Fridays 4.30-5.30pm Red
Saturdays 9-10am and 10-11am Red
Sundays 10-11am Red


Mini Tennis Orange

Mini Tennis Orange is for players aged 8-9 years old.

Mini Tennis Orange is played with shorter rackets, softer balls and courts are bigger and wider than the red stage but still smaller than full-size tennis courts allowing players to develop a rounded game whilst learning a range of techniques and tactics. It is the next stage before playing on a full sized court and helps players develop different shots and tactics.

Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm  
Fridays 5.30-6.30pm  
Saturdays 11-12pm  
Sundays 11-12pm  


Mini Tennis Green

Mini Tennis Green is for players aged 9-10 years old.

Mini Tennis Green is played on a full size tennis court, with bigger rackets and balls which are a little softer than yellow balls. It’s the next stage before moving on to full compression yellow balls on a full sized court and helps players develop and improve all aspects of their game.

Fridays 7-8pm £44.80 for 8 weeks
Saturdays 12-1pm £44.80 for 8 weeks

New players get 2 free taster sessions, no need to book just turn up at the best session for you. If you have any queries please contact the Tennis Office on 01942 828550.