This Policy sets out our commitment and supports our overall aims for diversity and inclusion. These are to ensure that:
• Tennis is diverse and inclusive
• Diversity and inclusion are embedded in our club’s culture and our behaviours
• We take a proactive approach to ensure that everyone is valued and able to achieve their full potential.
To achieve these, we believe that everyone involved with the Club has a vital role in promoting diversity and inclusion and taking action against all forms of discrimination. Together we can make a positive difference to people from different backgrounds to participate in Tennis at our club.

1. Policy Statement
This Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Standards, Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure are based on similar policies of The Lawn Tennis Association (LTA).
As a club we contribute actively to enable more people to play tennis more often, in a manner that is safe, inclusive, and fair. This applies regardless of a person’s age, disability, gender reassignment status, sex, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, race or sexual orientation, socio-economic status or any other background.
We recognise that diversity and inclusion concerns may also have safeguarding elements to them. Although the reporting procedures set out in section 5 below are similar, please also read our separate safeguarding policy if you have specific concerns in this area.

2. Our Commitment
The following summarises our approach to diversity and inclusion in tennis:
Discrimination and Harassment – We will not treat someone in a less favourable way because of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or tolerate intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive behaviour.
Diversity – We will work to ensure that everyone’s rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and in particular that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse.
Inclusion – We will work to ensure that everyone has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their ambitions and abilities, that they feel respected and valued and are not singled out for any reason.
Positive action – Rogate Tennis Club is committed to taking positive steps to counteract the effects of physical or cultural barriers – whether real or perceived – that restrict the opportunity for all sections of the community to participate equally and fully. (See Appendix A for full glossary of terms)

3. Scope
We have direct safe and inclusive responsibility for:
   • Any staff or volunteers employed;
   • Our courts and facilities;
   • Our events and programmes; and
   • Ensuring all accreditation requirements are met by accredited coaches.
We also recommend and support the development of good diversity and inclusion practice to accredited coaches, and to players, parents and carers.

4. Responsibility for implementation of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The Club Committee and Chair have overall accountability for this Policy and Reporting Procedure and for ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation (see Appendix B for details). We will take steps to ensure that all associated with the Club behave in accordance with the policy, including where appropriate taking disciplinary action under our constitution. We will also support measures and initiatives that British Tennis may institute or take part in to advance the aims of this policy as part of our commitment to our LTA membership.
   • The Chair and Secretary are responsible for updating this Policy and Reporting Procedure in line with legislative and organisational developments.
   • Everyone involved with the Club should raise diversity and inclusion concerns with the Chair or Secretary to start with and, if necessary, with the Safe and Inclusive Tennis team, as outlined in the Reporting Procedure below.
   • Players, parents and guardians are responsible for upholding the Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure.

5. Breaches of the Policy or Code of Conduct and Reporting Procedure
Where there are concerns that diversity and inclusion good practice has not been followed, members, volunteers, coaches, spectators and visiting players are encouraged to:
   • Raise the matter immediately, as many disputes, misunderstandings, or concerns are often easiest to resolve straightaway.
   • If this does not resolve the matter, contact the Club Chair or Secretary
   • If required, contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team: safeandinclusive@lta.org.uk - they can assist in liaising with the club and investigating the matter.
   • Further advice is available from the Equality Advisory Support Service on 0808 800 0082 or their website at: http://www.equalityadvisoryservice.com/app/ask.
   • If safeguarding is involved, please also consult our specific policy and advice.
In addition to any action which the Club may take, breaches of this Policy and/or failure to comply with the outlined responsibilities may result in action by the LTA, for example loss of accreditation for our venue or coaches.

6. Related policies and guidance
Code of Conduct

7. Monitoring
Our diversity policy will be reviewed every two years, or sooner if required by changes in legislation and/or government guidance or if required by the LTA.


October 2019