

Junior coaching with be run on a Saturday morning by Graeme and Juliette.  Classes will have a maximum of 12 children in each session.  The information below should help you choose the right level of class for your child.

Red ball: ages 6-8

Coaches will help children to further develop their co-ordination, balance and speed.  Develop overarm serves, rallies and volleys. We’ll introduce relaxed competition here too.

Orange ball: ages 8-11

Time to throw in some tactics, problem-solving, and guides to sportsmanship and leadership. At this stage children will know all of the rules and will be serving and returning in matches.

Green ball: 11+

Experienced players who are confident and playing full games.  Now it’s all about growing their game by fine tuning and refining the techniques they’ve learned so far.



Adult coaching will initially be availble at beginner and improver level in groups of 6.  Sessions will be run on Monday evenings with Grahame Forbes.

Skill level

Aimed at players who have never or seldom picked up a racket and require basic coaching to help get them started.   The aim is to have all participants serving, rallying and scoring by the end of the course.

This is for players who are fairly consistent and can sustain short rallies. The course will help with technique fundamentals and tactics in order to help with basic shot selection, ball control and consistency.

Aimed at those who have been playing for some time and may compete regularly. This course will help players raise their game by working on technique fundamentals, tactics and shot selection.

For good, established players who compete regularly. On this course, players will work on technical, tactical and physical skills to improve their game further, using drills which will challenge them physically.