Coaching Team

Private coaching is available for all ages and abilities, from beginners to advanced players and those with disabilities.
We coach children and adults as individuals or in small groups.
All coaches are LTA qualified, first aid trained and DBS checked.
Tennis lessons can be given in English, French, Italian, Polish or Spanish.
Please make arrangements with coaches directly, or you could end up with me.


07931 835 294

Here are our coaches:

Piotr Ptak
Photo of Piotr Patk at a tennis court
Tennis lessons in Polish and English.
Racket restringing.
07902 715270

Alex Hicks
Photo of Alex Hicks tennis coach in a black tracksuit holding a green racket
Tennis lessons in English.
Plus Visually Impaired (blind) tennis.
LTA Qualified.
07966 727618

Atea Thion
Black and white silhouette shadow
Tennis lessons in French & English.

Javier Martinez
Photo of Javier Martinez stood at the net in a tennis bubble with a player
Tennis lessons in Spanish and English.
LTA Qualified.
07598 622632
Louis Brooke-Jones
Black and white silhouette shadow
Tennis lessons in English.
LTA Qualified.
07817 515716
Rob Kendall
Photo of Rob Kendall at a tennis court
Tennis lessons in English.
07968 240748

Photo of Rolando with a white baseball cap and tennis racket
Tennis lessons in English.
RPT Qualified.
Available on weekends.
07751 124648

Lesson costs include court fee, booked by RST
Cancellations of less than 36 hours incur fees, unless courts are unplayable