
There are several new adult coaching options. As ever, we offer individual and small group coaching in addition to the regularly scheduled sessions, so please get in touch if this is something that you would prefer. 

A weekly lay out of adult coaching opportunities can be found on the club website, using this link.

Adult Coaching at the club

Tennis Xpress

Tennis Xpress Improver- Monday 7-8 pm. 10 week block commencing on the 13th. £75 Members/£100 Non members 

Tennis Xpress Beginner - Tuesday 630-730pm Max 6 people £75 Members only 

Tennis Xpress Intermediate- Wednesday 7-8pm. 10 week block commencing on the 17th. £75  Members/£100  Non members

Cardio Tennis

Tuesday evening- Tuesday 730-830 pm  Paid for the term £75 Members/ £100 Non Members

Friday morning- Friday 0930-1030am. Weekly during term time. £7 Members/£10 Non members. Any ability 

Intermediate Doubles Morning

Wednesday morning- Wednesday 0930-1030am, Weekly during term time. Intermediate confident doubles players. £7 Members only

Match Practice Doubles Drills

Thursday evening- Thursday 7-8pm. £7 Per week during term time. Mens & ladies team players. Members only

To book a class, please contact Rory:

Time-Table with adult classes as below: