
Stay home Stay safe

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."-Arthur Ashe-


We hope everyone is keeping safe, well and positive.
We continue to monitor and follow government advice closely. In light of the continuing social distancing measures, it is with regret that unfortunately we have not started the Summer term as planned.
Once more, we would like to reassure you that your booking for the Summer will be carried over to the Autumn term.  This will ensure that your child’s space will be held, and you will not need to rebook.
If we are able to restart classes at any point in the Summer term, we will of course be in touch with details about this as soon as we have them. For more information about our policy please click here. 

We would like to send a special HELLO to all our junior players and we hope that they are getting in some practice at home. A  special thank you to one of our junior players for this beautiful piece of art! It really made my day.

Could you all try your drawing skills and send it to me?
It is clearly not compulsory and only for those who want to do so.
There will be prizes though for those who have put a lot of efforts into their work.

We are also doing weekly video showing skills that you can practice at home with your little ones.
Please check the videos here or follow us on our social media accounts.
Walk your puppy skill : see video here
Swing practice skill : see video here
Colour awareness and tennis skills : see video here
Accuracy Skill: see video here
Keep fitness up: see video here
I hope you enjoy the activities and, please, do not forget to share your videos with us!

BOX LEAGUES: You will all be notified when we will be able to resume with our box leagues. The likely date will be 1st of June but this might change depending on government and club's guidelines.

Club Championships: This is definitely not happening in June and will be oved to the first 2 weeks of September. Once again, this will depend on guidelines.

We hope to see you soon again.
In the meantime please stay safe.

Best wishes,
