Other Clubs at Sandilands
List of Clubs that are based at Sandilands
parent sports club and clubhouse, bar etc
- Striders http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk (the running club)
- Running Sisters http://www.croydon-running-sisters.org.uk (ladies running club)
- Addiscombe Hockey Club http://www.addiscombehockey.co.uk/
- Addiscombe Cricket Club http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/addiscombecricketclub
- Choir http://www.croydonmalevoicechoir.co.uk
- An enthusiast couple Dan and Mel have taken over the Sandilands bar and are providing a very friendly atmosphere in the smart modern bar (over £100,000 was spent on it a few years ago). Please give it a go and let us know what you think (opening times are posted to the SPLTC WhatsApp group). If you are interested hiring it or the hall for an event please contact Mel on office@myndspirit.com or 07969 242643