Saturday 6th April 2.00pm - Club Afternoon with tea and cakes, contact Steve Pearce
Sunday 5th May 6.00pm - deadline for entries to the Club Championships, contact Eustace Johnson and Chris Tinker
Saturday 25th May - disability fundraiser with Bassline Tennis and Dunlop rackets to try. Other Dunlop products will be availiable in a pop-up shop, contact Harrison Gwilt.
Saturday 1st June - deadline for entries to the Gary Greenwood Handicapped Mixed Doubles Tournament, organisers Eustace Johnson and Chris Tinker
Saturday 22nd June - BBQ and bar at 4PM after social tennis, contact Jeremy Johnston or Craig Holmes
Sunday 30th June - invitational Adults Tournament, organiser Cheryl Evans
Saturday 20th July 1.00pm - Club Afternoon with BBQ and bar contact Steve Pearce
Saturday 20th July 3.30pm - Club Championships Singles Finals, organisers Eustace Johnson and Chris Tinker
Sunday 21st July 10.00am - Roger Parry Tournament - American Mixed doubles, contact Steve Pearce
Sunday 21st July 2.00pm - Club Championships Doubles Finals, organisers Eustace Johnson and Chris Tinker
Sunday 28th July to Saturday 3 August (provisional date) - Tennis Shropshire Summer Junior Tournament, contact Steve Pearce
Sunday 11th August 1.00pm - friendly match with Shrewsbury Club, contact Steve Pearce
Thursday 5th September - League of Friends, Ladies Tournament, contact Judy Edwards
Sunday 8th September 10.00am - Captains Day Tournament, followed by Bubbly Brunch and the Gary Greenwood Final, organsiers Eustace Johnson and Chris Tinker
Saturday 23rd November 5.00pm - Annual General Meeting at the Clubhouse, contact Jeremy Johnston
Friday 29th November 7pm - Curry Night at the Cats Pyjamas, contact Craig Holmes
Saturday 21st December Christmas Mince Pies, 4.30pm - Music, mulled wine and mince pies