Safeguarding at Shrewsbury Lawn Tennis Club

Shrewsbury Lawn Tennis Club is committed to providing a welcoming and fun environment to enable all members to enjoy their sport in the knowledge that they are safe and a valued Club member. To this end we now have an LTA certified Welfare Officer, Joanna Hughes.
The Club acknowledges it has a duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, adults at risk and all members regardless of age, ability or disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or socio-economic background. Abuse, emotional or physical, will not be tolerated and it is our responsibility as a Club, and as club members, to be aware of the safety and enjoyment of others.
Abuse has many guises apart from the more obvious manifestation of physical mistreatment. The recent welcome spotlight on mental health is helping raise awareness as to the forms of emotional abuse (exclusion, coercion, verbal insults, neglect, harassment, bullying, etc.) and the damaging, often long-term, effects it can cause. We believe the Shrewsbury Lawn Tennis Club offers a safe, welcoming environment for all members. However it would be complacent to think that abuse couldn’t possibly occur, inside or outside of the club. It is for this reason therefore that all our Coaches and our Welfare Officer are certified as having completed the LTA Safeguarding and Protection in Tennis Training Course.
If a member, parent or guardian has a concern regarding the well-being or safety of another member, be they a child, young person or adult at risk, then they should feel free to raise the issue with our Welfare Officer, who will ensure the appropriate action is taken. Contact details are given below:
Joanna Hughes
07719 401365
A full list of all our safeguarding policies is available here, on our website.