Welcome to Snitterfield Tennis Club

Snitterfield Tennis Club

Snitterfield Tennis Club is a 3 court club set in the heart of Warwickshire, 4 or so miles from both Stratford upon Avon and Warwick.

All 3 courts are all weather carpet (Match Play 2) and floodlit - available for use until 10pm, all year round.

We are represented in local leagues, both Winter & Summer, entering Mens, Ladies, Mixed and Veteran teams. 

We run a weekly social night, regular club competitions and offer coaching programmes for all age groups and abilities.

The Tennis Club is an integral part of Snitterfield Sports Club with the club house home to a bar and function room.

Snitterfield Tennis Club

STC Safeguarding Policy

STC Welfare Officer

STC Privacy Policy

Code of Conduct

How to find us

Snitterfield Tennis Club
Snitterfield Tennis Club, Snitterfield Sports Club
Wolverton Road, Snitterfield

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