The tournament runs from 1 August to 1 October, on which date the finals will take place.
The tournament involves 73 participants, please organise your matches as soon as possible.
Matches may be played at any time, to be agreed on by the two or four players involved. Each player, or pair, must contact their opposition by email or mobile. To be safe during busy periods (ie weekend mornings) do use the court booking sheets.
Please enter your results on the club noticeboard and/or notify the tournament referee as soon as possible. The draw results will be regularly updated.
2017 Club Tournament Draws
Mens Singles Preliminary
Mens Singles
Mens Doubles
Ladies Singles/Doubles
Mixed Doubles
If you have to withdraw from the competition at any stage, are unable to play matches, or have other competition issues, please notify the tournament referee as soon as possible.
Tournament Referee is James H-W 07802 315331