
2018 Wimbledon Ballot Draw

This year, SHTC have been allocated 15 pairs of tickets (four more pairs than last year).
NB: winning in the ballot gives you the chance to buy the tickets from the LTA; it doesn’t mean you’ve won free tickets.

Please read the following carefully as the LTA (as you’d expect) are very strict re: rules & regulations.

First and foremost, to enter the ballot, you have to be a paid-up member of SHTC. So, if you haven’t already renewed, please contact Anne Williams, Membership Secretary.

You do NOT have to be present at the club draw on 18 April for your name to be entered into the ballot. However, all winners of tickets will be announced on the night; so if you are not planning on attending, you can either send someone as your proxy, letting James (Social Secretary) know who is standing in for you; or list your preferences (in order) in an email to him; which he will acknowledge on receipt.
Email to

This is how the ballot will work:

  1. Each entrant’s name will be entered into the hat.

  2. The first name will be drawn: that person has first choice from the 15 pairs of tickets available.

  3. The next name will be drawn: that person has first choice from the 14 pairs of tickets remaining. And so on, until the fifteenth name drawn wins the final pair of available tickets.

  4. Five more names will then be drawn, and these will be reserves in case the winners in the ballot decide not to take up the offer of tickets. The first name drawn for this “reserve list” will be offered the first available pair of tickets (should this occur), and so on until all pairs of tickets are spoken for.

  5. Those successful will receive emailed confirmation from SHTC. Once you have re-confirmed with us that you want to go ahead and purchase, we will then pass on your name, BTM no, and email address to the LTA, and it will directly contact with you.

Good luck from the SHTC committee