
No Room at the Inn

Since the start of the year, when members returned to the tennis courts after their Christmas preoccupations, our courts have been busy. One such day was Sunday, 14th January 2024

On AstroCourts 7 and 8 our Men’s Team 1 were engaged in a closely fought contest with a team from Ryde Mead.

Behind them on AstroCourts 9 and 10 other Club members were playing in the second Social Tournament of the year:

Meanwhile, on hard courts 1 and 2 more members were taking part in the Social Tournament.  And on court 3 there was a special Invitation Mix-in!

In an exciting match our Men’s Team 1 secured a winning draw.

In the Social Tournament, the highest scoring lady was Pam Morris, closely followed by Helen Shelton, and the highest scoring man was Edwin Zsang, closely followed by joint runners-up Simon Marshall and Neil Shelton.

In the Invitation Mix-in members took advantage of the flexibility of the arrangement and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Another busy Sunday in the life of Southsea Tennis Club!