
Men's Singles Tournament

This year’s Singles champion is Andrii Zharikov, in the above picture on the right shaking hands with the runner-up, Anthony Boland. Their final match was closely fought and went down to the wire, the outcome being ultimately determined by a tiebreak in Andrii’s favour, a testimony in no small part to his exceptional retrieval skills.

In all, some 8 members took part in the competition, held on Sunday, 22nd May.

From left to right: Lee Conway, Jerry Borel, Andrii Zharikov, Oliver Skinner (Group A), Ann, Rod Smith, Shirwa Sheik-Ali, Ali Malik, Anthony Boland (Group b).

For this tournament, Ann, our Tournament Organiser, decided on a format comprising a series of round robin matches, followed by a knockout competition in the main and plate competitions, a tournament formula which ensures that most players are kept busy most of the time

The majority of matches were completed in two sets often but not exclusively with decisive wins. Close point scores were frequently in evidence too.

Our thanks, as always, to all who took part, and to Ann for organising the event. Our next Club tournaments take place in September but there will be a number of social tournaments before then to keep everyone sharp and on their toes!