About the Club

The LTA affiliated club has three floodlit courts which are all-weather and a clubhouse with changing rooms, toilets and a small kitchen.
How we are run
The club, which is funded by members' subscriptions, is run by a committee of volunteers. An Annual General Meeting in March elects the committee.
The committe sets the subscriptions for the membership year which starts on May 1st.
How to join
We have an online system for joining and renewing membership with online payments. Simply go to the How to Join page and select the relevant option. It’s also possible to join by sending a paper form with a cheque through the post to the membership secretary. The form can be accessed from the How to Join section of the website.
There is an entrance gate which can be opened by using the buttons to input a code. We email the code to the members when they join and keep them updated of any changes.
You will need a key to open the clubhouse door. Members can get a key on request along with a deposit of £13.20. Either select the key option on the How to Join page or contact the club secretary. The lock has a latch on the inside so make sure that you don't lock yourself out or leave the door unlocked when you leave.
All members and visitors should not park, pick up or load in front of, or to the side of, the Scout Group building which is private. The main car park for Memorial Park which is beyond the Scout Hut should be used.
Court bookings
The courts are free to members and this includes the use of the floodlights.
They can get busy so it is always worth booking online before you come down if you want to make sure of a court. You can also use this page to see if there are pre-arranged coaching, social sessions, or matches.
Social Sessions
Social sessions are a great way to meet and play other members.
They are run all year round, during the day on Monday (10-12 noon) and Friday (10-12 noon) and in the evenings on Monday (from 6.30pm) and Friday (from 6pm). Just turn up and mix in with other members. We normally play doubles tennis with players of all abilities.
The club provides balls for use during these sessions but members are asked for a small contribution.
During term time there are regular group lessons for juniors and adults. Individual coaching can also be arranged.
For further information about the programmes or coaches go to the coaching page.
Match tennis
We run teams for men’s, ladies and mixed teams against other clubs. Each team consists of 3 doubles pairs and the matches take about 3 hours to complete. Our home matches are mainly on Tuesday evenings or Saturday and Sunday mornings. If anyone is interested in playing match tennis, please let a team captain know.
Lights and security
Please remember to keep the courts and clubhouse tidy and to turn off the lights and lock both doors when you leave.
The flood lights operate by keys - ask another member to show you where the keys are kept and how the lights operate. If they have been switched off, please wait for about 10 minutes before trying to switch them on again.
We email members (that have opted in to receive information when joining) to let them know about the latest news. Alternatively you can check on our website News and Events section on a regular basis.
Team captains and committee members along with contact information can be viewed in the Committee section.
If you have a general enquiry, please use the contact form.
We have adopted policies to protect members. They can be seen within our Policy section of the website.