Club Rules and Useful Information
- All court bookings should be made online. Please cancel any booking where you are unable to attend.
- Appropriate Tennis Footwear and Clothing must at all times be worn on court.
- Members should display their Membership tag either on their shoe or tennis bag when playing on court. Anyone without a tag may be asked to leave the court if they cannot demonstrate that they have paid their membership.
- Courts 1 and 2 are accessed via the gate nearest to the Clubhouse.
- Courts 3 and 4 should be accessed via the mini courts whenever possible.
- It is a matter of politeness and tennis etiquette not to walk through games (particularly when matches are being played). If playing on Court 4 please wait until a point has ended before opening either gate into Court 3.
- The Courts are locked with combination locks bearing the same code. The code will be changed periodically. The code is for members only and will be notified to members.
- Courts should be swept and white lines refreshed after use, even if someone is playing after you. You should aim to sweep from the net towards the back of the courts to avoid a build-up of sand under the net.
- Court lights will only operate between 7am & 10 pm (condition of our lease). Please remember to switch off the lights as you leave a court if no-one is playing after you.
- Child members should only play on the mini courts if supervised. (Safeguarding).
- Both the inner and outer doors to the Clubhouse are accessed by a code. This code will be changed periodically. The code is for members only and will be notified to members.
- If coaches are present the Clubhouse door is often left unlocked, however it is important that the Courts and Clubhouse are left secure when the last person leaves the Club. Please ensure that the Courts are locked, the Clubhouse door is locked and ALL lights are off if you are the last to leave
- The balls in the storage box are for members use during Club Sessions only. Members should use their own balls when playing outside of these sessions, unless playing a Club Fixtures Match when new balls will be issued and opened in the presence of the opposition.
- Offensive behaviour will not be tolerated, and inappropriate behaviour by any member when at the club taking part in club or league events should be reported to the Committee, preferably in writing, with independent verification by at least 1 other member. It may also be reported to the Committee by another club. The matter will then be dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in the constitution.
- The Club Committee reserves the right to withdraw membership from anyone found misusing the Club facilities
- Our main communication is via our Clubspark email system so PLEASE ensure your email address is correct and up to date. Changes to your details should be advised to the Membership Secretary.
- Our website is and the club has a Facebook page.
- Please use the Clubhouse kitchen safely and always wash and dry up, put away crockery and pay for any refreshments used (50p per drink).
- The suggestion/maintenance and guest books are kept on the counter in the club house. Please date and sign any entries. We welcome feedback.
- We operate a continuous programme of maintenance and improvement to facilities whilst keeping subscriptions as affordable as possible.
- A first aid box is available in the Clubhouse. Please use the booklet to record any minor injuries and fill out an Incident/Accident form for anything major.
- Alphabetical pigeonholes for letters and communication to the Committee and Members are located in the Clubhouse.
- The internet connection code for the Clubhouse is on the board above the bar area.
- The Club runs a several of ladies, mens, mixed and junior teams and competitions. Please ask Wendy Griffiths, Fixtures Secretary for further information.
- Club Fixtures Matches are arranged so as not to clash with any of the published Club sessions and are publicised on the Clubspark booking system as far in advance as possible. However inevitably there will be matches that have to be rescheduled, possibly at short notice. It is hoped that disruption to members from this is minimal however members are asked to check the online booking system regularly when making their own arrangements as Match fixtures take priority.
- Guests may be invited to play at the Club up to 5 times in a membership year and should sign the visitors book and pay the appropriate guest fee. Current Fee Adult £5 Child/Junior £3.
- Guests are the responsibility of the member who invited them and should be present whilst the guest is at the Club. Guests should adhere to the Club Rules.
- Prospective members may attend one club session FREE of charge (provided they have had an assessment with the Head Coach) before deciding to join. Temporary membership for visitors to the Parish may be arranged by negotiation with the Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
- The Committee meet approx. bi-monthly. The Committee will keep members up to date with club news, social and fundraising events
Adult Over 25 yrs of age on 1st April (Membership renewal date)
Young Person Aged 18-24
Junior Aged 11-17 on 1st April
Child Aged 10 and under on 1st April
Family 2 Adults + any number of U18s
Parent Either or both parents of a Child/Junior (interchangeable)
Student Anyone in FULL time education
Adult Distance Living more than 25 mile radius from the Club
Committee Members
Sue White Chair
Jude Smith Hon. Secretary
Paul Handford, Program Manager
Sharon Horler Membership Secretary
Emma Hodge Welfare Officer
Wendy Griffiths Fixtures Secretary
Chris Pike Treasurer
Eoin Charlton Child/Junior Liaison