
British Tennis Awards

St. Leonard's and St. Ives Tennis Club has been voted Dorset Club of the year for 2016. With the number of tennis clubs in the county it's quite an acheivment for the club to win this award for a second time and is a testament to the hard work put in by everyone involved within the club from the members, the coaching team and especially the commitee of volunteers.

Two of our club volunteers have been recognised for their efforts, firstly Ann Warne is Dorset's volunteer of the year, a well deserved award for someone who contributes a huge amount to the club through her efforts helping the club towards tennismark and tennismark+, her secretarial role on the commitee and as a team captain. Occasionally she finds time to play as well.

The award of young volunteer went to junior member Luca Moore. Luca has been involved with the coaching for a long time offering his time helping some of the club's youngest players to get involved and enjoy the game. In the last year he has also become the club's junior representitive on the commitee raising issues and giving a young perspective on decisions being made at the club. His approach towards his roles within the club are particulary impressive when considering he is only 17 years old and juggling his A levels. Luca has most recently taken over the captaincy of one of the club's mens teams, yet another notable acheivement for someone so young.


Further details of the clubs awards and what it takes to be considered can be found in the clubs newsletter HERE--->