GREAT NEWS!! After a few months of the website running and a recent addition of a "pin" to the Google Maps App, we are now starting to appear on the home page of a google search.
By searching for 'Tennis Clubs near me', (when in a signed in google account state), 'tennis clubs near SG4', or simply searching 'St Pauls Walden Tennis Club', we are now appearing on the first page of Google Search.
Please do continue to visit the site to see news about the Datchworth Leagues, and the most up to date information about Events, Tournaments and Social Events for the season. First "Super" social of the season will be the Presidents Cup Evening Soire, following the Presidents Cup Club competition earlier in the day on Saturday 9th June.
If you haven't had your invitation, please check your Memebership consent status' and ensure you have check the box to receieve Social/Tournaments News...