Datchworth Leagues

Here you'll find all you need to know about our district leagues, our results and our teams news and updates on how we are doing...  

Datchworth Leagues Home Page: http://www.datchworth.net/

 Datchworth Spring/Summer League kicks off on Easter Monday  (22nd April)

We've sent out an email to Members to understand who's interested in playing in the league this year and what level of competition you are looking for... 

You'll need to be a member of the club to take part and to receive the email updates have consented to inter-club leagues news...

If you want to take part and haven't been directly contacted, please email the club using the contact details and we'll be back in touch asap. 

Datchworth Spring/Summer 2019 League Tables:

Full match & player schedule can be found here. This may change during the season as we accomodate player availability changes (summary image below of matches home and away)  

We'll also try to keep up with Match Reports and Scores each week as we battle our way to success..