
We are aware that some of our members are happy to play only social tennis while others enjoy both soicial and team tennis, the latter offering the chance to play different people in different locations and on different surfaces. Those involved in teams find the matches help to improve their tennis skills as well as doubling as a social activity.

Stepps LTC currently enters a number of Senior and Junior teams into local leagues and cups organised by Tennis West of Scotland (see below). For the Seniors, each team captain will pick their teams, with all adult and eligible junior members welcome to take part in match practice sessions at the start of the league season. Please note that all members participating, or wishing to participate, in club teams, whether Senior or Junior,  must have an LTA Advantage number linked to Stepps LTC.

Senior team matches comprise a mix of home and away fixtures with Singles leagues played at weekends and doubles leagues mostly played on weekday evenings. Junior league matches are played at weekends.

Teams information for 2025 season as follows:

Spring (Seniors)  [Sat 8 Mar to Sun 6 Apr]
Spring Singles Leagues [3 singles]
Gents Div 3A [TC Dean McGuire]
Ladies Div 2A [TC ?]

Summer (Seniors) [Mon 21 Apr to Fri 15 Aug]
Doubles Leagues [3 doubles pairs]
Ladies 1 Div 3A [TC Libby Capaldi], Ladies 2 Div 7A [TC Nadine Frediani], Gents 1 Div 5A [TC Dean McGuire], Gents 2 Div 8A [TC Joe Frediani], Gents 3 Div 8B [TC Lewis Cullen-Young]
Gents Junior Calcutta Cup KO [3 singles, 2 doubles] [TC Dean McGuire]
Clydesdale Cup (Mixed) Div 2 KO [3 mixed doubles pairs] [TC Kerry Towers]

Match details and results are provided under the Match Info tab.

Summer (Juniors) [Sat 19 Apr to Sun 10 Aug]
10&under Mixed [TC Adam McMenemy], Boys 12&under [TC Adam McMenemy], Girls 16&under [TC Karen Christie], Boys 16&under [TC Karen Christie]

Match details and results are provided under the Match Info tab.

Autumn (Seniors)
Doubles Leagues [40 & over] [2 doubles pairs]
Ladies 1 Div [TC Libby Capaldi], Ladies 2 Div [TC Anne Wood], Gents Div  [TC Joe Frediani]

Winter (Juniors)

Winter (Seniors)
Sunday Afternoon Div  [1 men's doubles, 1 women's doubles, 1 mixed doubles] [TC Nadine Frediani]
Monday Night Div  [3 mixed doubles] [TC Kerry Towers]

Match details and results will be available under the Match Info tab.