
Message from the Captain

Dear club members,

Now my captaincy is coming to an end, I would like to thank you all for the support you have given me over the last two years. There are too many people to mention individually, so I would hate to leave someone out but I am especially, truly grateful to the management committee for their invaluable contributions, patience and understanding as we have guided the club forward into its next phase, post-Covid.

The club is currently in great shape (apart from the pavilion (!) which is another challenge for the future). We are financially secure, and it is a venue people want to keep returning to, whether on court, in the bar, or both. There are ongoing plans involving a number of further improvements, and we are going to need help to achieve these aims.

In the spring, the AGM will be held where members can voice their opinion and have the opportunity to become part of the running of the club. Like every club of its type, it is run by volunteers so it cannot be taken for granted that the same people will carry on year after year. Clubs can only exist by relying on fresh blood and new ideas to take them forward.

There are several key management committee positions which need filling for the next term, including captainvice captain and tennis co-ordinator. It is also worth mentioning that the club has been running without an official secretary for the last few years.

With our broad based membership, I'm certain that we have people who have the required knowledge, expertise and interest to be able to contribute to the future of the club in one capacity of another. It doesn't have to be all consuming; it requires a degree of dedication and teamwork, so I hope some of you will be able to get together and discuss. There is plenty of experience on the current committee to offer advice and guidance if required.

Please email me or speak to me (or any current committee member) at the club if you would like to discuss anything.

Best wishes and thank you for reading.

Chris Hart
SPLTC Club Captain