News and Events


Court Bookings

We are aware that there have been a few issues for members with booking courts recently, particularly for juniors when parents are not playing members.

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SPLTC Clothing

Don't forget that SPLTC branded clothing is available to purchase including t-shirts, hoodies, shorts and more.

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Annual General Meeting

The Club annual general meeting (AGM) will take place at 19.00 on Thursday 16 May 2024.

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The Club needs a Secretary!

The club has operated without a secretary for several years now and this is far from ideal as it puts an extra burden on others members of the Club Management Committee, particularly the Captain.

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12 Club - March 2024

The March draw, the second super draw of the 12 Club year, was held recently in the bar. Congratulations to our winners.

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New Recycling Bins

Strict new recycling regulations came into force at the beginning of April. We are required to separate all recyclable materials (plastic bottles, cans, paper, card etc) and now have colour coded boxes in place alongside the existing dustbin (still used for non-recyclable waste).

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CCTV installation

As set out in the January newsletter, the Committee felt that CCTV should be installed for the safety of the club, its members and all users.

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New windows and doors

In the next few weeks, we will be replacing the large windows in the clubhouse lounge, along with the door from the pool room to the balcony.

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Message from the Captain

A message from the Club Captain

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Update from the Committee

The committee would like to provide an update on a number of improvements that have been made at the Club recently and what is being planned for the future.

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