Teams and Matches

Teams from Strathblane Tennis club compete in the leagues of Tennis Central Scotland.

You can follow the standings of the different teams online: 2018 results are here (2017 results here). Home matches are posted in the Calendar.

  • Congratulations to captain Jane and all the Women's Doubles team for ending the 2018 season STILL in Division 1 for 2019!
  • After dipping a toe into Division 3 for 2018, the Men's Doubles team have bounced back and won promotion to Division 2 for 2019. Well done guys, and big thanks to Captain Bob who has passed the baton to Frank McBride with honour.

The Autumn league is for mixed doubles team, and we are playing in Division 2 again in 2018.

The League Handbok including rules and fixture lists is here - Men's league on page 28, Ladies on page 30 and Autumn League on p 47  STR in bold indicates home matches, when the courts will be out of use for normal play.

Any member interested in joining the teams please contact the team captains. 

Team Captains

  • Men's - Frank McBride (07770 280886) email
  • Women's- Jane Young (07972 061234) email
  • Autumn and Winter leagues (mixed) - Laura Nicolson Tel 01877 382803 email