
At TG Tennis Hub we take safety as our first priority, which is why we have clear guidance for using our facilities and also our weather procedure. Please note the safeguarding points below when coming on to our site:

THE CARPARK AND SITE: Please take care when driving around the carpark and observe the 10mph speed limit as there may be pedestrians walking across at any point (though they should generally use the crossing areas). THERE IS NO SMOKING ANYWHERE ON SITE (THE CLOSEST AREA IS OUTSIDE THE GATES ON COOKS LANE) AND NO DOGS ARE PERMITTED ON SITE, EXCEPT FOR GUIDE DOGS.

DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP: Please ensure that if you are dropping children off for tennis coaching that you bring them on to the court yourself and also pick them up from the court. This ensures that the coach can get to know parents and guardians, especially if a different person is dropping them off or picking them up. Any new person not recognised by the coach will be asked for a password. This ensures that they are the right person and an unrecognised person will only be allowed to leave with the child if this has been advised by another parent, they correctly state the password and the child does not object. To this end, please ensure passwords are in place where necessary.

LEAVING YOUR CHILD ON COURT: The coach is Accredited by the LTA so he has all the necessary insurance, DBS checks and First Aid AND Safeguarding training required for tennis. This means that if you want to you can leave your child on court with the coach and return once the session is drawing to a close.