Weather & Cancellations

TW Tennis Weather Policy

In the event of poor weather conditions or extreme heat, a coached tennis session may be cancelled.  The decision on whether to cancel a session for health and safety reasons will be taken by the Coach responsible for that session. Some sessions will go ahead in bad weather so please wait for contact from one of our coaching team for any decision to cancel a class. Players not turning up based on their own decision not to play will waive their rights to a refund or credit. 

Classes that run in poor weather or are adversely affected by the weather may result in players being asked to attend a make up class. Our policy is that any class playing for less than 20 minutes will automatically receive a make up credit to replace the lost time on court.  

During any holiday camps that are run by Live Love Sport, weather may also affect the amount of time players are able to play their chosen sport. Our policy for camps is that any class playing for less than half the allocated time for camp will automatically receive a credit against another camp in the future or a similar type. 

Please note, that Live Love Sport does not issue refunds for any classes affected by adverse weather, we only issue credits against future classes. 


Weather Safety Code

Live Love Sport Ltd recognises the importance of protection against the potential harmful effects of the sun as well as the rain! While this is relevant to all players, it is particularly important for our junior members.

We recommend following these guidelines for hot weather which is enforced by our onsite coaching team. 

  • We recommend the use of SPF30-50+ sunscreen 
  • All children should bring water bottles and should be encouraged to drink regularly
  • Look out for signs of heat exhaustion - fatigue, dizziness, headache, nausea or hot, red and dry skin
  • All players should wear hats or caps to play in hot weather 


Customer Cancellation Policy 

  • Please allow 24 hours for all cancellations. Shorter notice time will incur the full charge for lessons. 
  • We will not be able to offer refunds due to absences unless with a written doctors note explaining a specific, re-occurring illness or injury. 

For 6 week courses: The full course fee is payable in advance. Cancellation fees are not payable once the course has started unless due to medical reasons. 

Cancellations due to coach illness or absence will be dealt with via a make up sessions but we reserve the right to combine classes in these circumstances.