
Visitors who wish to play during Club sessions must be at least of the same playing standard as the average Tennis Playing Member of the same sex.  Visitors are not permitted to play on more than five occasions in any one membership year.

A member may book a court to play with a visitor by entering their own name as usual in ClubSpark against the session they want to book. 

The member must ensure that the Visitors’ book is signed before play starts.  The visitor’s fee can be paid in three different ways and should be paid in by the end of the day:

  1. Payment can be made in the Bar.  There is a Visitor’s Fee option in the register and payment can be made in cash or by tapping a payment card.
  2. It is also possible to pay the visitors’ fee by transfer to the Club’s account:

Bank account name: Teddington Lawn Tennis Club

Sort Code: 20-46-73

Account no. 00864110

Reference: Visitor and Member names

  1. Only if the other two options are not possible, the visitor’s fee can put in the small brown envelopes provided and posted in the Visitors’ Fees box (through the slot by the water fountain).

The Regulations governing visitors shall apply in the same way to Midweek, Improver and Intermediate Members who wish to play outside the periods permitted by their membership, and to Non-Playing Members who wish to play at any time.

Visitors’ Fees: £5.00/visit – each visitor is restricted to five visits per membership year