Coffee Sessions

"Virtual" Coffee Sessions bring together individuals to discuss current challenges in tennis.  We often choose a topic ahead of the session, and everyone is encouraged to put forward topics of interest, which could be role-specific e.g., accounting packages for treasurers, or task-specific e.g., recruiting volunteers.

Here are some examples of the topics already covered:

  • How do you fund your venue other than from subscriptions?
  • What are your latest marketing ideas?
  • How can you grow your membership?
  • How can we increase walking tennis at our venues?

These sessions are help on Zoom, usually monthly depending upon levels of interest, and are chaired by a volunteer to keep the discussion flowing and to allow everyone a chance to contribute.

Upcoming Sessions

Tuesday 11th June  2 and 7pm.

A club treasurer's get together to chat about challenges such as:

  • 5 year club financial plans
  • looking for grants or loans
  • club financial stability and health

Register below:



Tuesday 17th September  2 and 7pm.


The TVC in conversation with Stuart Baker and Matthew Rutland.

How has Tennis Wales supported clubs, and how can they help going forward?

Register below:
