Upcoming Q&As

The TVC holds regular Q and A sessions bringing an expert or interesting person in tennis and padel. The sessions are one hour long, with short introductions and the majority of time given over to questions and answers making the sessions engaging and interesting. These sessions are held on Zoom.

Upcoming Schedule


3 October 2024 Date TBC : 1 pm


Everything you need to know about LTA venue registration 2025. Iain Lancaster will present the process and then take questions.
1pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMldeCqqT4vE9zl92ioqLBqIfBiHRT_dvwi


October 2024 Date TBC : 2 and 7  pm 

Recognising and rewarding club volunteers Introduction to the 2025 LTA awards.

Register Below:

2pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwocu2grj4sG92DJ8zstvS-EJ6EvOb-H0YR
7pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvcOuvqzwtHtNC8wofVEt6kSHGEk0CPtr2


November 2024 Date TBC : 2 and 7  pm 

We will be joined by Abbie Lench (LTA head of national delivery)and Olly Scadgell(LTA Managing Director) A real opportunity to speak to the people running our game at a national level.
7pm: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtduusqT8uGNLNMvgJcjW3wuH433Eu2UHF


All recorded and there is a Q&A video archive here