Adult Coaching Clinics

Details of the Tennis Clinic Programme in 2025 will be displayed in the main Adult Coaching Session when scheduled

Tennis Fundamentals – Level Beginners / Rusty Racket

This clinic focuses on the fundamental techniques of Tennis’ three main strokes, Forehand, Backhand & Serve. Emphasis is placed on developing the basic shape for each of the strokes together with the preparation and recovery phases widely known as the five ‘Rs’. It’s designed for those new to tennis or returning after some time away.

Courses Dates / Times 

Effective Movement and Balance on Groundstrokes – Level Improver / Intermediate / Advanced.

Tennis is predominantly a game of movement with the ‘occasional’ hitting of a ball! Whilst sound technique is very important, movement and balance are the keys to how effectively a player is able to execute each stroke. This is dependent on the type of incoming ball and tactical intention behind the shot.

Courses Dates / Times

Serving & Returning – The Key Strokes – Level Improver / Intermediate / Advanced

Consider this….the average length of a rally in Tennis is three shots. On that basis the serve a return make up two thirds of all the tennis shots you’ll play! However, they are the least practiced shots in training. This clinic looks at how to get the best out of both the serve and return to make you game more effective and have that cutting edge. 

Courses Dates / Times

Effective Volleying – Level Improver / Intermediate / Advanced

With doubles being the predominant game in the Club environment, being able to volley well is often the difference between winning and losing close matches. This clinic focuses on the technique of executing effective volleys and looks at the footwork and movement to help you achieve this in both the singles and double environment.

Courses Dates / Times

The Art of Double Doubles – Level Beginners / Improvers / Intermediate

Doubles can be a bit of a daunting experience for both new, improving and more experienced players. This clinic focuses on court positioning, movement and the tactics required to play effective doubles in the club environment. The session incorporates drills, exercises and match play situations you will likely find yourself in when playing doubles. The aim is to provide players with the confidence to play in the club sessions and club teams. 

Courses Dates / Times

Spin Seves – Topspin / Slice

Serving is the key shot is tennis and the effectiveness of your second serve is vital in being able to apply pressure on your opponent during your service games. Being able to put topspin or slice on your serves will enable you to hit a more confident and powerful second serve or mix up your first serve options. It will also help in the placement of the serve.

Courses Dates / Times 

Net Play in Doubles

As your competence and confidence with your volleying at the net improves the most effective tactics  in double is for both players to get into the net and take time away from your opponents. This Clinic focuses on approaching the net effectively and the movement with your partner when both at the net. It’s a great clinic for those involved in playing matches for their respective clubs.

Courses Dates / Times 

Developing a Sliced Backhand

Adding a sliced backhand to your repertoire of strokes will enable you to mix up both your singles and doubles play. It will allow you to vary the speed of the strokes received by your opponent and disrupt their rhythm. A sliced backhand is also a very useful stroke to get you out of tight situations on wide balls on your backhand side and is a useful stroke when approaching the net as it keeps the ball low and deep forcing your opponent to hit up. This clinic develops the technique required to hit a slice backhand and uses drills and match play situations to aid in your understanding of when to use the stroke.

Courses Dates / Times 

Lobbing & Overheads.

Being able to both attack and defend with lobs is a handy shot to have in your tool box, just look at Andy Murray!  This clinic focuses on how to hit lobs effectively in both attacking and defensive situations in both singles and doubles.  The ability to counter lobs can also add to your confidence in coming forward and attacking the net. We look at the technique and footwork required to add that confidence to your game.

Courses Dates / Times 

Topspin your way to control

The advent of modern rackets has enabled all players, not just those at the very top of the game to generate and hit more spin on their strokes.  Imparting topspin on the ball helps in giving greater control when hitting with more power. Topspin also increasies the margin for error on your strokes allowing you to hit the ball higher over the net confident in the fact that the spin will pull the ball down into the court. This clinic focuses on the technique for generating topspin on both forehands and backhands.

Courses Dates / Times