Tennis in Birmingham work experience - Alice Banbury Morgan

Now in my third year at the University of Birmingham, studying English Literature, the reality of getting a job is starting to become a black cloud over uni life. Sport, particularly tennis, is of interest to me as a future career, whether in marketing, administration or journalism, so when I saw the opportunity to become a social media intern for Tennis in Birmingham on Slenky I immediately applied. Slenky, an online application process which is becoming popular for the LTA and many others, searches for internships and job experiences available for young people based on your passions and interests. It was a simple way of applying and put me in direct contact with the LTA Midlands team and, having already written a blog post for them, I was able to organise a meeting and visit the office to discuss what I wanted from this experience and what I could bring to the team.

Before this my level of involvement in tennis had been small. Although I love the sport I had only played at a local club and gone through one simple coaching course, so this shone out as a great opportunity, as the chance was open to anyone with an interest in the sport, or just social media and marketing. If you have any interest, even without much tennis experience, checking out Slenky and LTA opportunities is so valuable.

The team were keen to get me involved as much as possible, in ways that would help me develop my own skills with media, which would help me get vital experience for my career. It was explained that there were opportunities to be involved in keeping their social media and website up to date with exciting news of activities available for beginners or experienced tennis players. Not only was this explained, but chances to give me work specific to my interests were discussed, including the involvement in press releases and marketing meetings.

Being a part of the LTA team has already been a fantastic experience and this blog will track my involvement with Tennis in Birmingham and the opportunities brought with my work experience.