Volunteer Safe Recruitment

Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Policy

1. Tennis Come True East London uses appropriate means to advertise for volunteers, taking into account the principles of its equal opportunities and diversity policy.

2. The following areas are taken into consideration when recruiting a volunteer:

  • Does the volunteer hold relevant and current qualifications for the role? (if necessary)
  • Do they have the skills necessary to undertake the role?
  • Do they have experience of working with the age group/level of the player?
  • Where was the previous experience gained?
  • Does the volunteer agree to undertake any required training courses?
  • Do they hold adequate insurance cover? (if necessary)

3. Potential volunteers will meet with the volunteer co-ordinator to assess their suitability for the role. A full job-specification is available for each volunteer role, complete with responsibilities and time commitment. A criminal records check with the Criminal Records Bureau will be made (if the role involves working with children in any capacity) and references will be taken up.

4. An induction will be prepared and delivered by one of the Co-Directors of Tennis Come True East London.  This will include:

  • A job description of the role, complete with responsibilities and time commitments.
  • A list of all other voluntary roles with responsibilities of each identified.
  • A copy of the following policies:
  • Child Protection
  • Code of Practice for Working with Children
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Volunteer Recruitment and Retention
  • Health and Safety
  • Complaints and Feedback
  • Any other relevant documentation for the specific role.

5. The person applying of the position, whether paid or unpaid, will receive support and regular supervision sessions from the Co-Directors, or from another named person.

6. The organization has a valid insurance policy, which you are advised to read.

Resolving Problems

7. The relationship between Tennis Come True East London and its volunteer workers is entirely voluntary and does not imply any contract.  It is important that Tennis Come True East London is able to maintain its agreed standards of service to Customers and it is equally important that Volunteers should enjoy making their contribution.

8. If your work as a volunteer does not meet with the organisation’s standards, these steps will be taken:

9. An initial meeting with a Co-Director will explain the concerns. If this does not resolve the concern, then a meeting with both Co-Directors will be convened.  If your work still does not meet with the standards,  then Tennis Come True East London will have to stop using your services.

10. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of you work, you should:

11. Give an initial explanation of your dissatisfaction to one of the Co-Directors.  If that does not resolve the concern, then a meeting should be convened with the other Co-Director. If after this we are still unable to resolve your grievance, then it would be inappropriate for you to continue as a volunteer.

12. Examples of Generic Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities:

Communications Co-ordinator:  To raise the profile of the Place to Play locally (in the community) and in the county.  To make sure the website is updated.  Regularly attend and have a good understanding of the programmes offered at the site.

Competition Co-ordinator: To work with the Co-Directors to fix the Competition Calendar.  To help promote competitive opportunities for all at the Venue.  Seasonally monitor and evaluate all aspects of Competition at the venue and to report back to the Co-Directors.

Volunteer Co-ordinator: Confident and effective communicator.  Recruit, recognise, reward,  and retain volunteers.  Ensure that each volunteer recognizes his or her role within the organization.

Junior Team Manager: Ensure the Club is represented appropriately in available team competitions, at junior and adult level.  Ensure entries are in within closing dates.   Be a point of contact for all junior activity at the Venue. Work with the Co-Directors to help select parent Captains for teams.   Liaise with Co-Directors on suitable times for competitions to take place in terms of court availability.

Social Co-ordinator: Sociable!  Motivated with an ability to motivate other keen volunteers.  Bring all players together to develop and enhance relationships.

Welfare Officer:  Separate detailed roles and responsibilities available.