How to book

Book a court

You need to be registered with ClubSpark and logged in to make a booking. Register now!

Pay and Play

  1. Choose your venue from the drop-down list at the top right of this page. If you're not already logged in to your account, you'll need to do so before booking.
  2. Select a playing time and click to book . You can book one slot per day. You can book 1 or 2 hours by changing the finish time
  3. Complete your booking and pay 
  4. Make a note of your PIN
  5. You will receive two emails - one is the Booking Confirmation that will include your PIN number and useful information about operating the gates.
  6. The PIN code is only valid for 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after your booking starts. Once you leave the court you will not be able to go back in, so  take care not to be separated from your belongings.
  7. Access the court and enjoy your game!

Cancel a booking

  1. Go to the correct venue "book a court" page 
  2. Log into ClubSpark (top right-hand corner) 
  3. Click on your name (top right-hand corner) 
  4. Click "My Profile"
  5. Click "Manage Bookings" 
  6.  Find the booking and click "Cancel"

Problems with access gates?

  1. There are detailed instructions on your Booking Confirmation email on how to use the gates.