Committee Members

Your Committee are here to look after all aspects of our Club, deal with issues and look for ways to improve the Club.  Please feel free to approach any of us.

Welfare/Safeguarding Officer: Tina Prestwood 07817 469314


Chairman :  Victoria Ling

Vice Chairman :  Mike Burgess

Treasurer :  David Attwater

Club Secretary :  Linda Burgess (also Website co-ordinator)

New Members' Secretary :  Shane Treneary

Ladies’ Captain :  Tina Prestwood

Men’s Captain : Luke Hopper

Tennis Development Co-ordinator :  Vacant

Social Secretary :  Vacant

Marketing & Publicity :   Vacant

VSSC Representatives :  Mike Burgess & David Attwater

Child Protection Officer : Tina Prestwood

Health and Safety Officer : Tina Prestwood

Players' Representative:  Julie Johns - Coach liaison

Players' Representative: Fiona Ellis

Players' Representative: Christine Boon