Social Media Policy

Wanborough Tennis Club Internet and Social Media Safety Policy

Wanborough Tennis Club understands the importance of technology and social media for communication and for children and young people’s development. However, we recognise that relevant safeguards need to be put in place to ensure respect and privacy for our members and that children and young people remain safe whilst online or using social media.

We ask that all members, parents / carers spend a few minutes to read through and discuss this statement and share with their child/children as appropriate.

 Social Media Code of Conduct, WhatsApp Etiquette for all members:

  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the internet and social media for tennis purposes and at the venue and whilst involved in activities organised by Wanborough Tennis Club, including the content I access and how I conduct myself.
  • I will not deliberately create, browse or access material that could be considered offensive, inappropriate or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material, I will report this to the Club welfare Officer, Coach or Team Captain. 
  • I will not use social media or the internet to send anyone data, images or other material which could be considered inappropriate, threatening, offensive, upsetting, bullying or illegal.
  • I will ensure any messages I send to players, members, coaches, volunteers or other members of staff are about my tennis activity and nothing else. 
  • I understand that all my use of internet and social media is potentially visible to everyone and that any issues involving my behaviour online may be addressed by my coach or other staff or committee members at the venue.
  • I will not give out any of my personal information (such as name, age, address or telephone number online), or that of anyone else.
  • I will not share my passwords with anyone else.


  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe, and if they are not followed my parent/carer may be contacted.
  • I am aware that if I am experiencing bullying behaviour or abuse online, I can contact the Club Welfare Officer, or ask for help on the website contact form, or contact the LTA Safeguarding Team 0208 487 7000. I know I can contact Childline on 0800 11 11 if I have any worries about something I’ve seen or experienced online.

Photography Guidelines

We ask that all adults, and parents/carers read through and discuss this statement with their child as appropriate.

  • All members will be responsible for their behaviour when using the internet and social media, including the content accessed.
  • Members will not deliberately create, browse or access material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If accidentally any such material is found, it should be reported to WTC safeguarding officer or LTA.
  • Members will not use social media or the internet to send anyone material that could be considered threatening, offensive, upsetting, bullying or illegal.
  • Members should understand that all use of internet and social media is potentially visible to everyone in the online world and that any issues involving wrongful behaviour may be addressed by the WTC safeguarding lead and referred to the LTA Safeguarding Team.

Before taking photos

 Any individual intending to take photographs must have authorisation to do so from the event planners, venue management and any other key stakeholders

Children and their parents/carers must be informed how, where and for how long the photo will be used and provide their written consent (using the Consent and Emergency Contact Form available in the clubhouse) for the photography to take place.

When taking photos

 Children should be informed who is taking the photos and be introduced to them

 Children should be fully and appropriately dressed for the activity

 Children should be shown engaging in tennis and positively reflecting their involvement in the activity

 Any children whose parents have not given consent for them to be photographed should be easily identifiable (for example, by wearing a sticker) without being excluded from the tennis activities

 Photos should be of a group of children or adults where possible

 Photos should be representative of the diversity across tennis, with regard to age, gender, gender alignment, ethnicity and disability

When publishing photos

 Do not include the full name of a child whose photo is being used. If naming a child or group of children, only use their first names, as this will reduce the risk of inappropriate or unsolicited attention

 Avoid including other identifying information about children (such as their school, friends and other hobbies and interests as this information can be used by others to identify them)

 Be clear about how and for how long photos will be securely stored

 Report any inappropriate content to the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis team as soon as possible