Terms & Conditions


Membership Terms and Conditions for the War Memorial Park Community Tennis Club

Membership Details

1. Membership applications are valid for up to one year only, join at any time.

2. Annual memberships will start from acceptance of application, memberships will cease at the end of the 12th calendar month.

3. The venue operator, inspire2coach limited, retains the right to block book courts. All block bookings will be clearly marked on the booking system.


Flood Lights

1. All Members have access to the floodlights. 

2. Use of the floodlights incurs an additional cost.

3. Floodlight tokens can be purchased from the War Memorial Park Tennis Pavilion Tennis Office during opening hours (9am-3pm).

4. All tokens must be purchased in advance.

Toilet Facilities

1. All toilet facilities are open and accessible to players during office hours, the closest being located at the rear of the Tennis Pavilion.

2. If you are using the tennis courts before or after office hours, members will have to access the disabled toilets. These toilets are only accessible with a 'radar' key. All members can purchase a radar key which is widely available from appropriate retailers.

Members Booking Tennis Courts

1. All members must book tennis courts in advance using the online booking system through the club website at www.warmemorialparktennis.co.uk

2. Courts may be booked up to 6 days in advance.

3. All players on a booked court must be members (Non-members need to pay and play)

4. Each household membership allows booking of 1 court for 1 hour per day, 365 days a year

5. If two members believe they have booked the same court at the same time, they must check the online booking sheet which is definitive

Application Process

1. To become a member please visit https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/WarMemorialParkTennisClub/Membership/Join

2. All memberships are payable online in 1 annual instalment

3. Any members that have any medical conditions that could affect their ability to play are recommended to seek medical advice before playing.


Rules and Regulations

1. Member's PIN codes must not be passed on to non-members.

2. Only tennis must be played on the courts. Any other activity is forbidden.

3. No dogs allowed on court

4. Appropriate sports clothing must be worn at all times (i.e. footwear and tops worn at all times).

5. All members must check the tennis courts before playing and ensure that it is safe for use. Any members playing when the courts are considered unsafe, do so at their own risk. Any safety issues must be brought to the attention of the Tennis Pavilion Staff without delay or contact admin@i2ctennis.co.uk

6. If a booked court is not taken within 10 minutes of the time shown, the court will be released for public use.

7. Please ensure that you close the gate when entering and leaving the courts.

8. You are expected to conduct yourselves so that no other people are offended by your behaviour or language (swearing is not acceptable).

9. Park staff have the right to ask any person misusing, or behaving anti-socially on the courts to leave.

10. Park staff have the right to request proof of membership at any time.

11. The War Memorial Park Community Tennis Club reserves the right to cancel the membership of any person who does not abide by the terms and conditions. This will be carried out by cancellation of the membership. No refund will be given.

12. These Terms and Conditions can change at any time and members should check the website for the latest version. Hard copies are available on demand.

13. Any matters for concern regarding your membership or any other member, please contact our club on 07936 916546. For any non-club related matters please contact the staff based at the tennis pavilion