How to find us
Watchetts Recreation Ground
Watchetts Recreation Ground, Park Road
GU15 2SR
We are delighted to announce that the newly renovated courts at Watchetts Recreation Ground are now available to book.
When entering the pincode, please ensure you enter the * followed by 6 digitis.
To book a court, please go to the bookings tab.
Watchetts Recreation Ground is a five-court venue backing directly onto the courts managed by Frimley Lawn Tennis Club. The Park is within walking distance from Camberley Town Centre (including bus and rail links) and has free parking available, although this can be affected (particularly on weekends) when the neighbouring Rugby Club have fixtures.
Click on the booking tab to get on court!
This annual membership allows for a household of up to 5 people to play Tennis in the Park all year round for just £39 a year - the equivalent of just £3.25 a month!
Watchetts Recreation Ground
Watchetts Recreation Ground, Park Road
GU15 2SR