
WTMTC run a number of events throughout the year. During the Summer months there is a number of social events including fun tournaments, barbecues and informal gatherings in the local pubs, as well as informal tennis all the year round. Events currently scheduled are:

Monday 4th March— Harrogate League Team Captains/Managers Meeting

Saturday 23rd March - Clean-up Day at the clubhouse from 10.00am Please bring any contribution for a buffet lunch and your racquet so that tennis can be played when the work is done.

Tuesday 2nd April - First Club Night from 5.30pm. New members of all standards very welcome.

Saturday 6th April — 1000 hrs Spring Clean and Tennis morning

Sunday 21st April - Open Afternoon, 1pm – 4pm, at the club for members and non-members of all ages. Racquets can be provided. Tea and cake will be served. For more information see the drop down page from the top menu (OpenPM21 April).

Sunday 5th May – Fund Raising BBQ from 2pm.  Informal tennis all afternoon. More details on the BBQ Fundraiser dropdown page accessible from the top menu.

Sunday 26th May - American Tournament. Arrive at 1.30 for 2pm start. Communal tea at 4pm.

Our first major event of the Year is  the Club Open Afternoon on Sunday 28th April,