Westerton Tennis Club
You can contact us by using the contact form below or via email and someone will reply promptly.
Please contact info@westertontennisclub.com for any general enquiries.
For membership enquiries, please contact membership@westertontennisclub.com
For event bookings or venue booking enquiries, please contact treasurer@westertontennisclub.com
For any safeguarding enquiries, please contact safeguarding@westertontennisclub.com
For Coaching
You can contact our Head Coach, Shaun Tulloch for all coaching enquiries and questions.
Contact Number: 07850 221 397
Email : shaun@10outoftennis.com
Our junior coaching can be booked online at www.10outoftennis.com.
Adult coaching can also be booked at www.10outoftennis.com.
Where to find us
The club is situated behind Westerton Hall and Library on Maxwell Avenue.
Approaching from Canniesburn Road, turn right into the carpark at the local libary. There are parking spaces for approximately 15 cars. We ask you to repect you neighbours and not to park over their driveways.
Westerton LTC
Maxwell Avenue, Westerton GLASGOW Scotland West G61 1NU