Here is a list of your Frequently Asked Questions!
Do I need a clubhouse key?
A clubhouse key gives you access to toilets, kitchen facilities and floodlight controls.
How do I get a clubhouse key?
Come along whilst our Tennis sessions are taking place on a Wednesday or Friday between 6.30-8.30pm with £6 cash .(exact money please).
How old do I need to be to have unsupervised access to the clubhouse?
You need to be 17 years old. Please ensure all lights and heating are turned off and the doors are locked before you leave.
What time can I play?
You can play between 8.00am and 8.30pm.
How do I book a court?
Please see the section `How To Book A Court’ together with the booking rules.
TO BOOK COURT 3, please ensure you book via clubsparks not the LTA website as you will not receive the padlock code and instructions otherwise.
Can I use the floodlights?
Floodlight tokens are available at the cost of £5.00 per hr. You will need to purchase your tokens during the Wednesday and Friday Tennis sessions.(exact money please). Details of how to use the floodlights are next to the floodlight box. If you are a non member and booking court 3, you won't be able to play after dusk
Where is the First Aid kit?
On top of the cupboard, above the sink. Please fill in the Accident book which is on the large table if there is an incident.
When are the social sessions?
Club Night - Wednesday 6.30 -8.30pm. Just turn up.
Friday Social - 10.30am-12.30pm.Contact Jenny King 07815 489254 to be added to the WhatsApp group.
Friday Higher Team Practice - 6.30-8.30pm By invitation.
Sunday Morning Social - 10.30am-12.30pm
Please contact Lesley Gilfin 07950363087 to be added to the whatsApp group for this session.
Can I get some Coaching?
Yes you can. We have two excellent coaches who offer extensive coaching opportunities for Adults and Children. Please contact Head Coach Neil Maple at makeeveryball@gmail.com or 07944994041 or Assistant Coach Ben Giddens 07749 296461.
What if I have more questions?
For anything else please email: wheatltc@gmail.com