St Anne's Rd, Tankerton, Whitstable CT5 2DN Whitstable Lawn Tennis Club



Tennis Courts are available for Club members and public booking by using the COURT BOOKING Tab. Alternatively you can visit EmmGee Sports Shop at 124, Tankerton Road  or telephone the shop on 01227 276581.

All public court bookings must be paid for in advance and an access key is then provided which must be returned promptly at the end of each session. 

If you have any questions the Club telephone number is 07561 699579 (Daytime only) or email  WLTC Contact

Court access keys can be collected from MiniMarket at 112 Tankerton Rd, daily after 5pm and on Sundays.  You must provide Minimarket with proof of your booking by showing your confirmation email when collecting the access key. Minimarket is the yellow fronted store in Tankerton Rd opposite the pedestrian crossing  just a few metres from Tankerton Circus (roundabout).


Introduction to WLTC

We are a friendly Members Tennis Club open to all playing levels.  We welcome and encourage new players to join our Club.  Coaching is open to  both members and non-members.  We offer lots of social tennis opportunities including weekend sessions and summer mini social tournaments.   See Social Tennis for further details.

If you enjoy competition WLTC enters Mens, Womens, and Mixed doubles teams  - including Vets teams - in both the Kent and Dover &  District leagues.

Our fantastic location perched on Tankerton slopes mean we enjoy a sea view, post-tennis swims and summer BBQ as well as refreshments at the nearby Marine Hotel.





How to find us

Whitstable Lawn Tennis Club
Whitstable Lawn Tennis Club, C/o St. Anne's Public Tennis Courts

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