WBTC 2024 Christmas Party at Rubinos Kitchen
Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00

Our Wickham Bishops Tennis Club Christmas Party this year, was organised by Hennie Welman, Nikki Hartley and Jon Gustard. THANK YOU all so much!
Rubinos Kitchen was booked and Rob and his team certainly delivered on Friday night, 13 December 2025. Two months before the menu was narrowed down to just 3 choices, so that the quality of the food could be spot on and warm, for everyone attending. Time schedules, food service, taxi cabs, ample parking, wine choices and other drinks were all agreed in a lovely face to face meeting with manager, Rob weeks before.
As we had most of our Friday socials and other events at the club, this year, we only really see tennis friends in their sports attire or "uniform," as Jason jokingly referred to it! We therefore decided to host a more formal, cocktail dress style event, for Christmas and it was fantastic seeing everyone looking so smart.
Instead of just arriving at a restaurant and taking seats, we had everyone mingling for 90min before service commenced. Champagne and wine were enjoyed while catching up with tennis friends. There was so much laughter, banter and of course teasing about how different tennis players looked, off court. We are usually red in the face, huffing and puffing, while covered in sweat!
Everyone received the correct starter, mains and dessert, so all the hard graft leading up to that point, was totally worth it. People enjoyed the evening so much that we all stayed for nearly 4.5hrs! Thank you to everyone that attended and made the night so special. I know there were more people that wanted to attend, but we only had so much space, so next year we will look at a bigger venue and a late November date instead.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas from all at WBTC