Our Facilities

Court ettiquette and maintenance

If there is play on court and you need to get across to the far court, please wait until there is a break in play before entering the court to walk behind the players on court.

The balls in the drawer are provided for club sessions only not for private play.  There are plenty of spare balls in the yellow round tub that are available for general use, or you can purchase tubes of new and used match balls from the pavilion.

Chewing gum is not permitted at any time on court.

Non marking soles shoes should be worn.

Please wind down the net after play. 

When you have finished playing, please turn the lights off on your court unless there is someone waiting to come on court.  This applies even if there is play on the adjacent court (although as a courtesy to those players, please wait until the end of a rally before hitting the switch) This also applies if the court is booked for use later in the evening as those scheduled to play do not always turn up.  Help save our pennies and the environment.

If you are bringing a guest to play at the courts, please write their name on the list on the notice board and place the £2 guest fee in the box.

Please do not take any glass onto the courts - we have plastic cups in the kitchen which can be used instead.


  • Please wash, dry up and put away any used mugs, glasses etc
  • Please wipe down the microwave/equipment and leave clean/tidy
  • Kitchen bins please do not put food containers or coffee cups with residue/fluid still in them in the bins.  If you see the bins are full please tie up the bags and empty them!  We all have a responsibility to keep the kitchen tidy and smelling nice. 


Please ensure if you are the last person to leave the club that all windows are properly shut, all doors are locked and the pavilion door is locked and gate padlocked. 
If you are the last to leave the tennis club, please ensure that all the lights are switched off in the pavilion and the pavilion door is shut. Please lock the padlock on the tennis club gate. 

If there are no cars in the carpark, please lock the carpark gate. If there are cars parked in the carpark but no sign of anyone at the football club – please still lock the carpark gates.
The club is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal property left at the club.