Committee & Non-Committee Roles

Committee Members 

Executive members 

Chairperson - Sue North

Treasurer - Peter Eade

Club Secretary - Rachel Hanney

Welfare Officer - Laurie Rickwood

Wickham Parish Council - Kathryn Holladay 

Additional (non-executive) members

Membership Secretary -  Andy Hanney

Member - Mark Lewis

Member - Peter Whysall 

Coaching Representative - Premier Tennis

Non Committee Roles 

Website Manager  & General tennis club enquiries - Andy Hanney/Rachel Butler.

Ladies Team Captain - Maggie Allan

Mixed Team Captain - Peter Eade


We are run by members and everything we do is focussed on making sport affordable and accessible to the wider community.

We're always looking for willing members to volunteer and help make WTC the best that we possibly can.

Offers of help are always welcome,  please get in touch with the committee or one of the coaching team. 

Formal roles we would like to appoint:

  • Junior Representatives

Other areas we need help and occasional volunteers:

  • Organisers and helpers for occasional events

If you are able to give up some of your valuable free time to help support the club and it's members, or if you would like more information about any of the roles or tasks, please contact the Chairperson

Thank you!