How to find us
Wickham Community Tennis Club
Fareham Road
Hampshire & Isle of Wight
PO17 5BY
2025/26 Membership now available - early bird offers, £5 reduction until 31/03/2025!
Follow membership tab.
All users will need to be registered and signed in, with non-members paying the Pay & Play rates.
Our flood lights allow for playing all year round.
Well done to our Ladder winners for the 2024/25 season!
13 days ago
Junior players (<13) should be supervised by a responsible adult from the same household when using the courts.
When leaving ensure the gate is padlocked.
Please take any of your litter home.
The toilet area is open during organised group coaching sessions, social tennis, competive league matches and available for use and hand washing.
Social tennis usually over 18's only - Club mix in on Wednesdays 5.30-7.30pm, Fridays 9.00-10.30am and Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9.00-10.30am
Wickham Community Tennis Club
Fareham Road
Hampshire & Isle of Wight
PO17 5BY