Safeguarding and Welfare

Winterbourne Tennis Club (WTC) is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run.  A full list of our policies are available on the Club Documents page of our website. 


Our Safeguarding and Welfare officer is Yvonne Andow.   Yvonne is a retired teacher and has lived in Winterbourne since 1983. She is a club member, a local school governor and active member of the Scouts. Yvonne is also a trained Mental Health First Aider.


Should you have any Safeguarding or Welfare concerns please contact Yvonne directly on 07817 132859 or

You can also report your concerns directly to :

South Gloucestershire Children's Partnership:   01454 866000 (Mon to Fri) or 01454 615165 (Out of hours/Weekends)

South Gloucestershire Adult Services: 01454 868007 (Mon to Fri), 01454 615165 (Out of hours/Weekends)

South Gloucestershire Local Authority Designated Officer: Tina Wilson, 01454 868508, 

You can also call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.