
Seen or heard anything that makes you concerned about someone's welfare?

Concerns about a child?

If you believe that any child is in danger ring Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.

Our community safety team can  also be contacted directly on 01773 570222 ext 1652, or emailed at Please note that the extension number and email inbox is only monitored during our office opening hours.

Concerns about an adult?

Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190 - this phone line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By calling this number you can speak in confidence with someone who will listen to your concerns and explain the help available. Or visit

Further information on Amber Valley Borough Councils Safeguarding support can also be acessed via:

Safeguarding (

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.

You can also let the LTA know of any concerns by using our secure form which can be found at